Adobe Creative Cloud LogoOur program is meticulously crafted for students aspiring to enter the dynamic realm of graphic arts and printing, providing industry-endorsed instruction tailored to equip them with the essential skills for success in the graphics and printing industry job market. Delivered through immersive hands-on training, the curriculum encompasses a wide spectrum of subjects, including foundational shop skills, graphic design principles, publication layout, composition, digital publishing (compatible with both IBM and Mac platforms), photo manipulation, typography, digital pre-press techniques, wide-format and screen printing, press operations, bindery and finishing operations, and portfolio development. By harnessing state-of-the-art graphic design software and printing technology equipment, students gain practical experience employing the latest tools of the trade.

Student taking a banner from the printing machineOur program offers diverse pathways to accommodate individual goals. You have the flexibility to pursue either an associate degree or a certificate, each offering distinct advantages. The certificate program emphasizes skill development for immediate employability, with the option to complete it in as little as two semesters. Conversely, the associate degree program integrates additional specialized coursework alongside general academic courses, providing a more comprehensive educational journey. Moreover, you can continually accrue credits to earn additional certificates and eventually achieve an associate of applied science degree, facilitating continuous advancement and skill enhancement.

You must see a CATE Center Advisor before enrollment.

Our instructional staff collectively brings over 25 years of field and teaching experience, ensuring students benefit from their wealth of knowledge and expertise. Committed to staying abreast of industry trends and advancements, our instructors regularly participate in seminars, trade shows, and manufacturer training sessions, guaranteeing that students receive the most up-to-date instruction and guidance.

The Graphics and Printing Technology self-paced program is available at central campus only. The Graphics and Printing AAS degree program is available at central campus and various continental and international sites. For more information, see Program Options.