Welder in Front of American FlagThese programs are designed for students desiring to prepare themselves for a welding career. They provide entry-level, industry-validated, "hands-on" training using current technologies and equipment. Studies include welding safety, tools and equipment, machine set-up and operation, gas welding and cutting, plasma cutting, shielded metal arc welding, arc gouging,  electrode identification and use, MIG welding, TIG welding, Pipe welding, blueprint reading, weld testing and welding fabrication. Welding positions 1G through 4G are covered in plate welding and positions 1G through 6G are covered in pipe welding. E6010, E6011, E6013 and E7018 electrodes are used.

The AAS degree program includes additional academic courses. The technical content of both programs is basically the same. Welding specialization (SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, OFW, and Pipe) or update training is available in either program. Interactive computer-aided training is used to enhance some courses. These programs will prepare the student to take the AWS certificate test.

Student using a cutting torch

You must see a CATE Center Advisor before enrollment.

The instructional staff has an average of 31 years field and teaching experience. All are AWS-certified through 6G. Their technical expertise is kept current by attending up-date seminars, AWS classes, trade shows and manufacturer training.

The Welding Technology self-paced certificate program is available at central campus only. The Welding AAS degree program is available at various continental and international sites. For more information, see Program Options.